
Don't let the elevator. get. you. down.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Another Post-Your-Cat-Photo site

Sure...there are a lot of post-your-cat-photo websites out there:

Rate My Kitten
Kitten Wars
For example.

They all have the same basic premise: Cats are cute, bored-at-work-internet-users love cute. Voila.

But with proliferation comes evolution. Specialization.

And thus, I give to you: Stuff on My Cat

The title says it all. It's a website for pictures of cats with stuff on them.

What kind of stuff? Well, there's the absurdly adorable, such as

Piggys in disguise:

And then there is the absurdly silly:

And of course, there's always the just plain absurd:

Yes, that's Urkel.


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